Saturday, May 4, 2013

Online v.s. Local

Buying Clothes online is already difficult, but buying Goth Clothes/shoes/makeup, etc. is a chore and a bit of a gamble. 
Between the origin of the company, the sizing charts, the quality and the pricing, its extremely difficult for the average goth to add anything to their collection from online stores! On many occasions, I've run into some kind of problem with this, and I ask; "Does it have to be this difficult?". I've ordered from many places, but I have yet to find an online store that I am comfortable with!

The reason I bring this particular subject up has  to do with local business v.s. online business and local business is losing, failing horribly! There was a legit gothic store just down the road from me, I had just moved into this part of town and I was so happy to see that purple sign that summoned me every time I passed by. At the time I was employed (which I currently am not), but I was so broke that I never had enough money to buy anything from this store. SO, tax season came around and I told My boyfriend, "I'm spending half of this money on clothes and things for myself! First thing I'm doing is going to Raven Blackwood's!". You would never guess, to my horror, while pulling into the parking lot, they were empty with an "OUT OF BUSINESS" sign!! My heart dropped. I was so upset! and now, the closest store (not including the crappy mall stores) is almost 30 miles away from where my tush sits!

Why do our local businesses get stomped on? And how on earth can ONLINE businesses stay a float, so much so that they expand?! I just don't understand!

The other reason I am upset; I have not successfully sold anything...2 things I've ever sold and only one of those things were on my etsy! whoa! I can't say that I'm not cut out to be a selling artists, because I can do anything I set my mind to. But, why does it work out for some and not for others? Is there a secret that some of us are not aware of?

Let me know in the comments your experience(s) with Online v.s. Local

~Love Zaney~


  1. I buy mostly online because there aren't really any local stores around me to buy from. And if I can't afford it online, I do my best to make something on my own or alter something I buy in a "normal" store.

    1. I'm SO glad that I'm not the only one! Its just hard for me to buy online because of the many times I've been burned. I guess it wouldn't be so bad, now. I love altering my bland clothing! Do you ever post pictures of yours?

  2. No I haven't posted any pictures of what i have made yet. i don't really write in my blog very often neither but maybe I should start doing that? That'd be pretty cool. Thanks for the idea ^-^ I really mostly make cosplays.

  3. YES! YOU MUST! That would be awesome and cosplay never dies, my dear. You can't lose! lol

    But really, I haven't always been one to "Blog", but lately, The lack of friendship and outside communication has driven me MAD! haha. This helps a lot, I've always said "I need my people!".

    1. lolz Ya I think I just might. It'll be a bit hard though because my computer sucks at home and I can't really do it when i am at work. lolz But when I get home tonight I think I'll give it a try.

    2. I hope it goes well! GOOD LUCK! :D
