Let's be real! A lot of us are sensitive when it comes to talking about Goth Fashion.
I need to break you of that, starting with why.
High school? Yeah, it Sucked! But that's where we learn how our minds work when it comes to pointless criticism and peer-pressure. Now that we've grown up from that (or not, you may still be in high school) we need to allow our fellow humans to be curious and educated about us.
SO, having said that, I need to pull up a few choices of clothing that I fancy.*** I am not advertising any specific business at the moment, just the style I'm interested in.***
A rough collage of some things I've been eyeing to add to my collection of clothing.
One thing about Fashion right now, that has me intrigued....BONDAGE was in style back in 2009, but it hasn't died.
Here is a picture of a Fashion runway from 2009:
I love how tasteful it is, too!!
Now, Bondage style shoes are in! 2013
See? Goth will always be. I am in love with the idea of Bondage inspired clothing!!!
Through the years, From then to now, Forever and always
Remain Respectful
Love Each other
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