Tuesday, April 23, 2013

zaney bat in the flessshhhh

This was me today, feeling very accomplished and happy. This is me on a daily basis. I hardly ever wear makeup at home, so I has a nakie face ;p 


P.S. you can see my blog in the background! hehe ^.^

Successful Goths *part 1*

Successful Goths

Razor Candi, A very successful gutter goth. She has been modeling for a long time now. On her facebook there are links to her stores and modeling sites. RazorCandi has one of the most beloved styles and a timeless fashion sense. Her hair color is never the same along with her modeling. She is just awesome.

Dita Von Teese, at one point was married to Marilyn Manson but continued on with her sexy career. She has to be one of the biggest inspirations to woman with curves. News to me, She was born in Michigan like me!!! 

Amy lee. We all HAVE to appreciate Amy for being who she is. If it wasn't for evanescence, I don't know what I would've done growing up as a goth kid. 

Tim Burton, A true Goth through and through! His amazing creativity and drive to make all of his wonderful films for us, truly an intricate and successful GOTH! Thank you Tim.

To Be Continued...

The pictures are clickable links to the character. Most are wiki sites.

~Love Zaney~

Recycling Accessories-Goth DIY-Studs

Got an old studded belt that fell apart and is no longer functional? 


I got just the thing!

You will need one of these:
  • needle nose pliers
  • hemostats 
  • butter knife
Depending on which of these tools you have will greatly impact the outcome. In this case, I have needle nose pliers:

Now, get to the back side of the studs and pry the claws upward and try not to let it bend out of shape too much.

Just pop it off and set aside.

Now decide what article of clothing or accessory you want to relocate the studs to. Now would be a great time to have pliers.

Just press the stud into the fabric until it penetrates through to the other side.

Using Pliers or crimping tool of some kind, bend the claws down inward and now you have a great start to a new project.

Recycled studs can go a long way. Be as creative as possible and really enjoy this project!

If this version was not sufficient enough, and you would like to see this tutorial in video form, Please comment on this post and let me know. Any questions or suggestions are always welcome.

~Love Zaney~

Monday, April 22, 2013

How About Some Goth Fashion! part 1

Let's be real! A lot of us are sensitive when it comes to talking about Goth Fashion.

I need to break you of that, starting with why.

High school? Yeah, it Sucked! But that's where we learn how our minds work when it comes to pointless criticism and peer-pressure. Now that we've grown up from that (or not, you may still be in high school) we need to allow our fellow humans to be curious and educated about us.
 SO, having said that, I need to pull up a few choices of clothing that I fancy.*** I am not advertising any specific business at the moment, just the style I'm interested in.***

A rough collage of some things I've been eyeing to add to my collection of clothing.

One thing about Fashion right now, that has me intrigued....BONDAGE was in style back in 2009, but it hasn't died.

Here is a picture of a Fashion runway from 2009:

I love how tasteful it is, too!!

Now, Bondage style shoes are in! 2013

See? Goth will always be. I am in love with the idea of Bondage inspired clothing!!! 

Through the years, From then to now, Forever and always

Remain Respectful 
Love Each other
Support your local Businesses

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Pastel Goth?

Ah, a new sub culture, how interesting.

Being a Goth by nature, this new fad has caught my attention and I'm not sure if I love it...or LOATHE it ENTIRELY! So I decided to do a wee bit of digging. 

Ok, here is a WikiHOW on "How to Be a Pastel Goth". There it describes in detail, clothing style, hair color, makeup types, shoes, jewelry etc. 

Generally, the style just reminds me of a cute version of Hipster, eh *insert unenthused face*.

So, a Pastel Goth is still part of Our Gothic Culture. Its cute, I'll admit. Its Gutter Goth splattered with pink. 

I can dig the whole trashy statements with kitty ears on it.

But, wait! its not the Scene style coming back from the dead is it?!

LOL, I'M KIDDING! I have always appreciated different styles! Scene was just one of those things that died really quickly. It wasn't Goth enough! haha